Association of Consultants for Liturgical Spaces



Oct. 20, 2020

In Attendance:

James Hundt, Johan van Parys, Robert Habiger, William Brocious, Albert Portela, Karen

Schmidt, Paul Barribeau, Gale Francione, Jim Heck

not present: Greg Lewis,



Approved – Hundt Moved, 2nd Johan


a. TREASURER’S REPORT – Robert Habiger/Alberto Portela

Robert – Sept – one member check added – Kamages renewed at Allied level – $178.49 expenses,

ending balance for Sept. $14,158.39. Hundt – Goat Cloud – is now website maintenance. PayPal

account question – which category are we ? Robert will ask Cliff

b. MEMBERSHIP REPORT – Karen Schmidt

Karen – we need to vote on Julie Moran – All in favor? unanimous. Jim Hundt will send a

welcome letter.


Paul – Waivers and making the webinars public are in process, in Nov. the webinar committee is

working on getting these for 2019-2020. The posts on the website will need to be changed,

Hundt will discuss with Cliff. Webinar committee would like the website search process to be

changed. Specific questions are helpful – perhaps a training video?


– Insurance & incorporation status – Jim

– Revisions to corporate documents/bylaws – Will

– Status report – Will

Will – website was reviewed, analytics report – ? needs explaining.

Templates for Mail Poet were set up, including the welcome letter. A non member emailing list

needs to be added to. Will has added contacts he knows who would be interested in our

information and would like the board to do the same. Newsletter – Shelley will send out the

editorial calendar to the board. The title “Insites” needs to be changed on the website. The

newsletter should be appearing under that title. All info on the landing page needs to be current.

Marketing strategic plan goal is the end of the year. Jim Hundt – only half of the membership is

opening emails – a survey asking how to engage more members would be helpful. Karen – zoom

meetings later in the day might be good. Next zoom we’ll try starting at Oct. 29th at 4 pm PT, 7

ET. Hundt will send out a new notice. Gale suggested dividing the list and direct calling to the

membership to survey regarding increasing engagement.

Jim Heck – Incorporation – 501c6 is ready to go. The address on the website for NM is okay, but

the Texas Address is important. Shelley’s address will be listed with the IRS. Insurance

application has been sent in. The bylaws changes will be sent out to the membership on the

27th-30th this month. Habiger – asked – the Paypal account is asking for certificate of good

standing? Heck will ask the accountant about that.


a. ACLS Booth at conferences

b. Grant programs – Greg Lewis

Hundt – Greg sent a list of grant organizations. We need to determine what we would want a

grant for. Gale – a retreat? and a speaker? ? Hundt – doesn’t this need to be something to be a

public use?

c. 2021 SWLC (virtual)

Will – is ACLS track compensated? Ask Ken.

d. Transition process for new Treasurer – underway

e. Corporate bank accounts/access


a. Vote on new Secretary nominee(Gale Francione)

Shelley Motioned – unanimous. Gale will talk to Shelley for the transition. Paul – can the minutes

come out sooner? Gale – will try to get them out within a week of the meeting.

b. Advertising with Partners for Sacred Places

Hundt -Faith and Form no longer publishes. Partners for Sacred Places – Karen – this is the only

place for advertising? Johan – is there interest in doing more than just advertise? They are more

building focused not liturgical focused. Hundt – we could start with advertising and build from

there. Karen and Peggy Adams are sharing an ad space for $2000 for half page, three issues.

Faith and Form used to be $600 for an index listing. half page ads were about $500. $3000

annually was our advertising budget. This year, 2020, $1600 scheduled. Hundt – the

communications committee can research this and report back. Will – Karen will you send the

advertising flyer you got?

c. Move meeting dates to Tuesdays? –

The Third Tuesday works for everyone – Nov. 17th next meeting.

Next meeting –

Faith on View – will the board look at the attachment Hundt sent? and report on the value of

linking to them?