Association of Consultants for Liturgical Spaces
May 21, 2020
Members present: James Hundt, Robert Habiger, Karen Schmidt, Will Brocious, Greg Lewis,
Paul Barribeau, James Heck, Shelley Kolman Smith
1. APPROVE MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING – Jim – Approved unanimous – Heck
accept, Schmidt 2nd
a. TREASURER’S REPORT – Robert Habiger
– Status/duration of office
$297.14 deposits member renewals, returned deposits, etc. $114.02 expenses – ending
balance, 20471.80 for April. Audit appointment? Hundt will appoint someone.
YTD loss of $25,000 for Oberammergau. Exchange rate caused a loss of about $60.
Omega center will be sending the deposit back. Robert met with Cliff to work out paypal
problem on the website.
Nominating committee skip ahead – Sr. Marilyn agreed and has started working on it. The
bylaws show we should have 6 board members. “The Treasurer shall be a board member”,
Robert would be okay with being replaced as Treasurer. The treasurer and Secretary are
appointed – Hundt motioned the amend bylaws to be consistent with incorporation laws that says
officers need not be board members. Heck seconded. Unanimous. Heck will take care of
changing bylaws. Will and Jim Heck should go off the board this year, and would need to be
voted on to remain. Will has been on the board about 6 years. Will and Heck expire next year,
Robert/ treasurer replaced this year. Shelley will stay as secretary until her term ends next year,
Current terms mean: Serve 3 years, twice, next year, Hundt can stay on,
Will – president has to be board member, sec. and treas. do not.
Hundt – board terms are for three years, can run for another term officers are appointed for two
years. Term of office should be changed to three years. Appointed are one year terms, elected are
three. President appoints annually the other two officers, Heck will send a summary to put in
b. MEMBERSHIP REPORT – Karen Schmidt –
Two members renewed – Gunnar and Scott Parsons, they paid their dues. Pam Hardiman is not
showing up on the website, but has renewed. Hundt will check on that. No other new inquiries.
– New committee member suggestions
Webinar committee – schedule and topics through 2021, Marilyn – zoom – how we might
find new artists or artist resources. Could there be a pecha kucha type meeting throughout the
year? Maybe invite outside artists? Hundt has set up a virtual meeting room on every other
Thursdays so members could meet. Outside people are welcome to join. “ACLS member meet
ups” On the PK, we could do a screen share.
Three potential new committee members have been identified and will be asked one at a
time to join. they only need two members.
d. NEWSLETTER REPORT- Shelley Smith – meeting minutes since July 2017 for
All the meeting minutes are ready to be placed on the website.
Hundt may write a virtual design committee article
Lewis – private sacred space
Heck – will think about it.
Shelley check the list and request articles
Hundt – ? Insites – Carol wanted to do a by monthly article more often than the newsletter – Will
would format it.
Marketing – we need to develop a strategy. Communications committee should handle everything
that went out to the membership – newsletter should be under the communications and sent out
through them. Heck – thoughts? building a data base – Handouts at conferences first – digital is
best. Will is invited to join the communications committee and they will set up a meeting in a
few days.
Google for non profits should be checked into. Greg will do that.
Will is going to help me on the newsletter since he has graphic experience. Shelley collect the
articles and send to Will.
– Insurance & incorporation status
– Postcards
Heck – incorporation – insurance no report until incorporated. Texas incorporation protects the
board. We need to file the non profit status, accountants have been contacted. Need to decided on
registered agent. The accountant will serve as that through the end of the year. Attorneys fees :
$800.68 for the year. the Accountant $3500 flat fee to file the 501c6. IRS fee of $650. Acct’s
$2000 deposit. All the board members will need to sign the incorporation documents but don’t
need to be present. Tax return fees would be deferred to next year.
Heck recommends hiring Randy Walker accounting and Jeff Gately as Attorney for filing of the
501c6 status.
Robert – budget – there is room to take money from the reserve to cover this.
The remainder of the agenda will be discussed next month.
Carol, Marilyn and Kropac have old files and Hundt asked for old newsletters, maybe to put on
the website.
Next meeting – June 18, 2020