ACLS Meeting Minutes Feb 27, 2020
In attendance:
James Hundt, James Heck, Will Brocious, Greg Lewis, Karen Schmidt, Robert Habiger, Shelley Kolman Smith – secretary
Minutes Approved: unanimous
Standing Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report – Robert – 1 st month of 2020 3084.50 revenue renewals. 138.02 expenses. $27594.94 Oberammergau. (See report) – end of Jan. $20758.29 ending balance. $3000+ left over from 2019 which helps for anything extra the board wants to do.
An ad for Valparaiso has been sent out. A Check for website development has been sent out also. Website hosting annually costs $623 which will cut into the surplus. $1250 for non profit filing fees,
Variable expenses – one time only expenses add up to about $5000.
Retreat – presenter stipend?
23 member reminders will go out March 1.
J. Hundt suggests that as we go over in our member revenue we use the extra for advertising.
J. Heck, FDLC $200 half page ad, Partners for Sacred Spaces didn’t list an advertising cost. Greg would like to look into online advertising. J. Heck asked Greg to be on the communications committee. Website guy could help with google ad words.
B. Membership Report – Karen – Sarah H. has applied for membership. Margaret Adams Parker a sculptor, application is almost complete. Russell Brewal – with Boniafce vestaments. Katie as an associate. Both of those are just beginning the process.
Sarah is voted in – Unanimously. – wait until website is up again. Procedures – Karen will give her a call and J. Hundt will send a letter. Sarah has already paid. J. Heck reminded us that there is a form letter for welcoming with information for new members. J. Hundt will send a form to Karen.
Karen – Motion to accept Sarah Hempel as an allied member – 2nd – J. Heck and J. Hundt
C. Webinars Committee Report – Paul – no report.
J. Heck watched all three LTP webinars – 13 people watched, 4 were presenters. All were well done and very informative. Karen – signed up for one, and didn’t receive any reminders for the other webinars. Follow ups would be a good idea. J. Hundt will talk to Paul about this for next time. The link to past recordings were only online for 2 weeks. LTP search criteria is also an issue.
D. Newsletter Report – Shelley – Newsletters updated on new website – April for next edition
E. Communications Report – J. Heck. – Marketing report – Social media and website are most practical ways to promote us. Will linked photos on Pinterest to our website. Who will manage it if we did facebook etc? Karen uses Pinterest and instagram, and gets analytics from it. Greg suggests using something with google analytics. Web guy has put in alt text so our website images could be discoverable. Hundt didn’t ask about adding links to our facebook page. Instagram will probably be best for us.
- Old Business:
- Bylaw Voting Results – Hundt and web guy are working on adding a plug in to add a way to email members. The draft of the intro to the new site may include something about this.
- Oberammergau Trip- misc. expenses. We are over budget a little . Robert mentioned that there is money in reserve from ACLS. After incorporation, we may need a credit card
- Website update- still not up and running, maybe later today.
- ACLS Booth at conferences – Rates for brochures are approved. Will can update the brochure and get it printed. Greg has a PDF that can be sent out. A trifold will be printed. Greg will resend it to the board with updates. The text for allied and affiliated members needs to match website and associate members
- Moving Forward with incorporation -J.Heck – Chuck is filing the Texas incorporation then we go to the IRS for the tax id. He will send the board an update.
- New Business: President’s letter looks good J. Hundt will send it out in about a week after we’ve had the chance to look at the new website. J. Heck – met with Greg Davis about the retreat and will provide an outline about that soon. Greg – grant programs next meeting.
Next meeting – March 24th 3est.