Dear Members,
As we are between Newsletters, I thought I should send out a President’s Letter by itself. The primary news for this letter is about our recent elections. The results are in and the board members were renewed for another term and the constitutional changes were approved. For President, I will continue for one more term as will the elected board members Juanita Yoder and Will Brocious. Thank you all for taking time for the elections and for your support of the board.
In addition Shelly Kolman Smith has accepted an appointment as secretary for ACLS. She will be taking over the newsletter and has some great ideas about involving all the members in the newsletter. We welcome Shelly to our board.
I can report to you that at this half way point in the year the organization is fiscally sound. We have reinstituted an annual audit of our accounts and they are in order and balanced. Our biggest upcoming expenses will be the advertisements we publish in other organizational materials (e.g. FDLC brochure) and payments for the new website work. For both of these if there are suggestions for places to place our ACLS ads or for website suggestions, please let me know. We are continuing to ‘tweak’ the website so that it works more efficiently for all of us.
Our membership is slowly growing. Again the best referrals are from colleagues. So if you have any suggestions for potential new members, please direct them to the website and let us know. Juanita will make a personal call to answer any of their questions.
Other work for the board includes review of our Policy and Procedures statement. And of course, there is ongoing planning for the January 2016 Southwest Liturgical Conference (or should I say Winter Camp as I have heard it affectionately called). The local San Antonio based committee is currently working out the logistics for the number of sessions. ACLS member Greg Davis is on that committee and is planning as well a special tour of churches for us. We will plan a special get together for those members who attend. This will be the first of what we hope will be many more joint opportunities for ACLS to partner with SWLC.
I hope you are all enjoying a relaxing summer. As always I would love to hear from members with their thoughts, concerns and ideas.
Abundant Blessings,
Carol Frenning, ACLS President
[email protected]