On the left are the people, Israel. The first window echoes the rabbis’ speculation that “more than Israel keeping the Shabbat, the Shabbat has kept Israel”. We see the unmatched candlesticks, the challah, and the stitched cloth. The middle panel is the most troubling of all. Along with the Passover Seder plate and Elijah’s cup, the Shabbat candles become the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and barbed wire overlays the Torah to remind us of the Holocaust. Still, the sheaves of grain, the Omer offerings to G-d, remind us that even at times of great trauma, G-d is with us. This promise becomes clear in the final window with the twelve-branched Tree of Life showing the eternal existence of the Twelve Tribes and the Eternal Light rising above it all. Although the Torah, the word of G-d, comes to an end, the nistar lines continue past it all, bringing their goodness and hope to future generations.