St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Wyoming, MI
Facilitated with a local architectural firm, workshops and design charettes related to converting an existing Congregational Church into a Catholic Church responsive to multi-cultural Hispanic parishioners. Architects: Progressive, AE (Grand Rapids, MI)
Mosaic Tile Work: Jose Narezo (Grand Rapids, MI)
Ceramic Tile Work: Madeline Kaczmarczyk (Grand Rapids, MI)
Baptismal Bowl: Wanner Studio (Milwaukee, WI) Wyoming, MI
Project Team:
Architects: Progressive, AE (Grand Rapids, MI)
Mosaic Tile Work: Jose Narezo (Grand Rapids, MI)
Ceramic Tile Work: Madeline Kaczmarczyk (Grand Rapids, MI)
Baptismal Bowl: Wanner Studio (Milwaukee, WI)

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