Portela & Associates, Architecture, Planning, Interiors, PA

All aspects of Liturgical Design Services
Development of committees to achieve parish involvement and sense of project ownership
Site and building master planning which implements an organized growth module for the construction of buildings in project.
Long Term Committement to the parishes we serve
Union of Liturgy, theology & architecture to maintain a sense of continuity from Liturgy to design implementation.
- Liturgical Design Consultancy
- Architecture
Architecture, the art science of planning and building structures is the service provided by Portela and Associates.
Extensive experience in planning projects from beginning to end. Our experience includes Multi-Purpose Buildings, New churches and renovations, to existing churches, Family Life Centers, Schools and other buildings that require extensive coordination between all disciplines.
Our people design-oriented architecture allows a parish to experience religious architecture to the fullest. We involve ourselves in the liturgy, theology and architecture as to how they affect the worship space, interior design, furniture and liturgical accessory design & selections, all which are an integral part of good design to develop a full, conscious and active participation of the celebration of the Eucharist
Designs with client’s ideas/preferences.
Conveys Owner’s goals, providing a building aesthetically cognizant of the environment.
We believes quality is a human commitment. Strong believer of inclusion by all to the Liturgical Actions
Repeat work is testimony to the importance placed on client satisfaction. Each client deserves full attention and effort creating an environment that meets their needs, enhances its surroundings and becomes a source of pride.
Architecture is a form of creation guided by the Holy Spirit and is synonymous with aesthetics. Our philosophy is harmonious with both.
Bachelor in Architecture-1974
Chicago Theological Union | Institute of Liturgical Consultants – 2000
Professional Registrations:
Architect – Florida
Interior Design – Florida
Architect – Alabama