Groth Design Group, Inc.

Helping parishes forge a unified vision and identity then assisting them to express their unique character through master planning, liturgical education, fundraising assistance, architectural design, construction contract administration, post-occupancy evaluation and more. Paul is equally adept at helping parishes navigate new construction, remodeling, or historic preservation/adaptive reuse projects. As a former pastor, Paul has a practical working knowledge of liturgical interpretation, parish administration issues, and the intricacies of daily parish life.
- Architecture
Great design is a healthy collaborative process that occurs within an environment of realistic constraints. My goal is to involve as many parish members as possible according to their individual capacity, while being respectful of parish traditions, the budget, and the identified programmatic needs. In many cases, the building of a new parish for example, my role becomes one of helping the group to establish or plan for traditions, create a construction budget, and develop an architectural program. I do this with the clear intention of fostering and maintaining unity and goodwill throughout the parish.
Luther College, Decorah, IA; Bachelor of Arts–Classics, 1982 Luther Theological Seminary, Saint Paul MN; Master of Divinity, 1986 University of Minnesota–Minneapolis, School of Art; Sculpture & Photography Studies, 1985-1986 University of WI–Milwaukee, School of Architecture and Urban Planning; Master in Architecture, 1992 Organizational Membership: American Institute of Architects (AIA), 1998-present National Council of Architectural Registrations Boards (NCARB), 1999-present Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art and Architecture (IFRAA) Professional Involvement: ELCA National Consultation & Writing Team for Principles of Worship: Worship Space & the Christian Assembly 2001 Workshop Leader, Form/Reform, Hollywood, California, 2004 Presenter, Form/Reform Basics, Itasca, Illinois, 2005 Keynote Speaker, Vibrant Parishes in a New Millennium, National Conference Dinner, 2005 Presenter, Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development, Milwaukee, WI, 2005