Liturgical consultant who will assist a community throughout the building process journey. From the establishment of committees, to the facilitation of workshops, through interviews with architects and artists, to the rites of blessing, and use of newly built or renovated spaces.
I have also assisted communities that have had to go through the pain of closing and saying farewell to worship spaces.
- Liturgical Design Consultancy
- Liturgy
- Education
The design of a worship space is a unique undertaking. All those who are seated within the body of the building are not there to observe, but to participate. The building design process should reflect this, working to enrich the relationship of the people and their God; to create a building that expresses and enriches their present call, as well as naming history and being open to the wisdom of the future. This means community discernment is essential. Factions can often develop and this is best dealt with through effective education and skilled facilitation.
Over thirty years experience in facilitation, education, ministry and training. Currently a member of Societas Liturgica, the Australian Academy of Liturgy, Australian Religious Response to Climate Change and L’Arche Australia.
Diploma of Education – Australian Catholic University, Canberra, Australia
B.Th. – Yarra Theological Union, Melbourne, Australia
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Ministry – Center for Ministry Development, Naugatuck
& Institute of Pastoral Studies, Loyola University, Chicago, USA
M.A. Liturgy – University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Certificate for Liturgical Consultants – Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, USA