Designing and coordinating a process for church building and renovation projects. Developing and presenting parish formation workshops on worship and liturgical space. Participating with and advising the design team as an advocate for the liturgy. Assisting in the hiring of other professionals. Facilitating and coordinating between design team and parish leadership. Providing assistance in use of the building after a project is complete.
- Liturgical Design Consultancy
- Education
I function as a weaver does, blending the history and needs of a local parish with the wisdom of the larger Church, through its tradition and liturgical practice. These threads combine with the vision of the congregation and the expertise of designers, artists, and artisans. I hold all these components in proper tension, so that the results are a beautiful and functional sacred space, ready to serve the liturgy. This unique tapestry is complete when the project is not simply a new or renovated building, but an enlivened people of God.
Institute for Liturgical Consultants, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago. Member of Association of Consultants for Liturgical Space. Adjunct Faculty, Art Appreciation, Muscatine Community College. Master of Pastoral Studies, Loyola University of Chicago. Religious Education/Youth Ministry Office, Diocese of Davenport. M.A. in Art History, Illinois State University.
M.A. Art History, Liturgical Studies, Certificate for Liturgical Consultants, CTU