
Association of Consultants for Liturgical Space Meeting ACLS BOARD CALL

January 18, 2021 3:00 p.m. EST


In Attendance: James Hundt, Karen Schmidt, Paul Barribeau, GregLewis, Will Brocious, Gale Francione, Robert Habiger, Johan van Parys. Not present: Shelley Kolman Smith

  1. APPROVE MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING – with several corrections by Jim, the minutes were approved (Johann/Greg).

    TREASURER’S REPORT – Robert Habiger presented the Financial Report for December, 2020 and a draft 2021 Budget.

    December, and 2020 budget. The budget has a deficit because more was spent on

setup fees for the corporation, accounting, legal fees, etc. Will noted there is still money from Oberammergau yet to be refunded. As earlier determined, reserve funds were used to balance the 2020 budget.

2021 Draft Budget. The proposed budget has a net loss of approx. $1103. (ACLS reserves are approx. $12,820.) FDLC membership will be paid this month. The Board discussed the value of advertising and how to allocate the funds. Advertising is a way to increase the visibility of ACLS, increasing the value to its members. Will requested some funds be used to develop the website further. Advertising may also be a place where the budget can be trimmed. The Communications Committee was given the task to propose how to allocate the advertising budget to the Board. Gale asked about the cost of tax preparation. This was the price quoted by the company that helped us set up the 501(c)6. The Board determined to continue with the same accounting firm for this year, then inquire about a less expensive option next year. After more discussion, the Board determined to take not more than $1000 from reserves if needed for this year’s budget. The budget amount of $3,000 for advertising will be reduced accordingly after all membership renewals are in.

ROBERT will prepare a comparison between the 2020 budget and actual income and expenses.

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ROBERT will create an updated draft budget for 2021, showing $1000 as available to the advertising budget.
ROBERT will contact Christian (the son) regarding any further refunds for Oberammergau. WILL will work with the Communications Committee regarding suggested allocation of the advertising budget.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT – Karen Schmidt currently has a list of 57 members, including 5 emeritus members. 28 members are listed as “expired.” After a lengthy discussion about sending reminder emails, it was discovered that this may be more of a glitch in the computer system. Many of them are listed “in process” on the website. Will suggested sending a letter to former members or others outside ACLS inviting them to join ACLS. This would also help our budget.

JIM will contact Robert to check the ACLS mailbox.
JIM will contact Cliff Rhode to investigate the issue of membership renewal on the website.

WEBINAR COMMITTEE REPORT – Paul Barribeau and the Committee are working on the releases from speakers. After some conversation regarding website concerns, Jim and Paul will get together for more discussion. [Ed.Note: Does anyone remember what these “concerns” were?] There is no one for April’s webinar, and Paul is approaching people who could address the church’s role related to racial unrest, the pandemic, racial and cultural diversity within the church. Also, the Board wants to investigate using another platform for webinars. For economic and practical reasons, Zoom may be a good alternative since it allows for webinars and can be used on a monthly basis. Also, three people committed to presenting a PechaKucha for new members in June. The hope is to make this an annual event.

JOHANN will share with Paul a colleague to provide more information regarding Zoom webinars.
PAUL may use the Webinar Committee in February for a “dry run” of the Zoom webinar platform.

COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT – Will Brocious reported that when the link for SWLC is available to him, he will contact Katie Bovitz to set up the virtual booth. It will include the brochure and images of members’ work.


ACLS Booth at SWLC – Katie Bovitz will help create the ACLS booth. Will will assist, and Jim offered to be a contact person in real time for the booth during SWLC to

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answer questions as they arose. Please use Jim’s cell phone number – 518-339- 3158.

New treasurer – no progress
Corporate bank accounts/access – no progress

Non-profit application to IRS – Jim received the return receipt, but not confirmation from the IRS of receiving the actual letter. The accounting firm is following up on this.

Membership renewal process – Jim will follow up with Cliff

4. New Business

Will ACLS attempt a second trip to Oberammergau in 2022?
WILL will contact those who intended to go last year and inquire about their interest.

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Respectfully submitted, Gale Francione


Monday, February 15, 2021 3:00-4:30 p.m. EST