Nov 12, 2020 | Events, General
Dear ACLS Member, On behalf of the Southwest Liturgical Conference (SWLC) Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to invite you to be an Exhibitor or Sponsor for our annual Study Week 2021. This event, to be held February 2-4, 2021, will be hosted by the SWLC Board of...
Oct 20, 2020 | Board Minutes, Meeting Minutes
Association of Consultants for Liturgical Spaces Meeting ACLS BOARD CALL Oct. 20, 2020 In Attendance: James Hundt, Johan van Parys, Robert Habiger, William Brocious, Albert Portela, Karen Schmidt, Paul Barribeau, Gale Francione, Jim Heck not present: Greg Lewis,...
Sep 17, 2020 | Board Minutes, Meeting Minutes
Association of Consultants for Liturgical Spaces Meeting ACLS BOARD CALL in attendance: James Hundt, Karen Schmidt, Greg Lewis, Robert Habiger, Paul Barribeau, Johan Van Parys, Gale Francione, JAmes Heck, Shelley Kolman Smith Sept. 17, 2020 AGENDA 1. APPROVE MINUTES...
Aug 19, 2020 | Board Minutes, Meeting Minutes
Association of Consultants for Liturgical Spaces Meeting ACLS BOARD CALL IN Attendance: James Hundt, Robert Habiger, Gale Francione, Johan Van Parys, Shelley Kolman Smith, Karen Schmidt, James Heck, Not present – Greg Lewis August 19, 2020 AGENDA 1. WELCOME TO...
Jul 16, 2020 | Board Minutes, Meeting Minutes
Association of Consultants for Liturgical Spaces Meeting July 16, 2020 APPROVE MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING – Jim motioned, Jim Heck 2nd, all approved STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: TREASURER’S REPORT – Robert Habiger – June ending balance $18,067.01 See...